

Length Check and Trim

I straightened my hair to get a sense of my length and by my surprise I reached BSL already! I didn't plan on hitting BSL until October! However, I didn't want to rejoice for too long because I knew I needed a trim. There were just too many scraggly end for my taste... so I snipped.

Here is my length before the trim

And here is my length after the trim 

I did a self trim so it wasn't exactly the most precise nor was it the prettiest thing in the world, but it served its purpose. At first I snipped off about and inch and a half to two inches of hair.

Then I did a search and destroy until my ends looked better. It was hard to measure the hair that I snipped off from searching and destroying but here's what my sink looked like lol.

All in all my ends look much better, but definitely not their best. I really need to kick the straightener to the curb for good. But it's just so hard...


  1. your hair looks so beautiful and you did a good job on trimming your hair.
    pictures like this are a real inspiration to me

    1. thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments!

  2. Great length and thickness!

  3. You did a better job of trimming than I did so don't worry about it lol your hair looks great. If your straightener is an issue you need send it on vacation, let someone you know hole onto it for you for a while :)

    1. That is a great idea! I think I may have to do that. Thanks!
